Happy Friday! I’ve got a lot of pictures for you today!
First some nice feedback we got this week…
“Just a quick note of thanks for the needlepoint canvas, which my mother is busily working on! Really appreciate your help and patience in making this happen. Thank you! Betsy” 4-16-14
But even better we were emailed photos of a finished project that was custom painted for one of our customers! I love all the different stitches she used! Great work Judy!

Personalized Kids Needlepoint Art
Next up are are close to my heart, since I love to sail. The Nantucket Wedding Pillow Canvas and a custom sailing needlepoint canvas featuring a boat with a bright beautiful spinnaker.

Nantucket Wedding Pillow and Sailboat with Spinnaker Needlepoint Canvases
On to my other favorite hobby (or job :-), custom needlepoint belts! If you look closely at the second canvas from the left, you will see a fencing foil setup, and next to that is what I’m calling a liberty belt! Fun colors and it has a liberty bell and the Grand Union flag from 1776.

Nautical Belt and ofther fun Custom Needlepoint Belt Canvases
There were so many great projects, but this week one took up almost half the workshop table! This large custom needlepoint kit was made from a photo. It is going to look amazing when finished. I liked that they used a lot of colors so details came through. But there was enough contrast that the colors are still pretty easy to follow on the canvas. (sorry the photo is a bit dark, but you’ll get the idea!)

Large Needlepoint Canvas from Photo
If you are a fan of John James Audubon, then you may recognize these two designs! Most of his art is in the common domain, so let us know if you have a project you’d like to stitch! (again sorry for the darker image)

Audubon Swan and White Pelican Needlepoint Kits
Last but not least, we have a custom dog collar from our pink mountain design, and a church logo which will be stitched for the pastors office!

Dog Collar and Logo Canvas for Church
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