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Archive for the ‘NeedlePaint Inspiration’ Category

Hippity Hoppity Easter’s On Its Way!

Written by Caroline

When our designer, Gwynn, created NeedlePaint’s Beatrix Potter Collection, I could not wait to stitch something. This collection is the epitome of sweet and classic, and the perfect homage to Beatrix Potter’s outstanding work. 

After burning out with several larger projects recently, I wanted something smaller with different finishing potential, so I picked out the Peter Rabbit Stand Up Kit. I requested to have the design printed on 14-count canvas—something we are always happy to do!—which changed the overall size to 5.2″ x 10”. In addition, when I received the canvas, I drew a rounded top.

I knew I wanted to focus on texture and keep my stitches simple,
so I headed to my local needlepoint shop (Stitch in Louisville, KY)
and they assisted me in pulling lots of different fibers based on the canvas:

Peter’s fur: Petite Very Velvet

Peter’s jacket: Silk & Ivory

Face details: DMC Perle Cotton #3

Grass: DMC Perle Cotton #3

Background: Vineyard Wool

I completed the foreground entirely in the basketweave stitch, but I am
impressed with how different each section appears in person because of the fiber type. 

I used my favorite old faithful background stitch: diagonal mosaic!
I love this stitch for its full coverage, but also its simplicity and quickness to stitch.

While NeedlePaint does not (yet!) offer stand-up finishing,
I was able to finish it through my local needlepoint shop,
and will treasure this for years to come —

especially every Easter!

Women’s History Month Needlepoint Inspiration!

Celebrate Women’s History Month with a collection of new NeedlePaint kits,
featuring some of the many women who have influenced,
inspired and encourage us to find the strength, courage and
self esteem to be a better version of ourselves. 

Audrey Hepburn Needlepoint Ornament Kit
4″ circle on 18 mesh canvas, using 6 colors

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands,
one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” — Audrey Hepburn

British actress and humanitarian; Audrey Hepburn’s style
and elegance will always be remembered.

Frida Kahlo Needlepoint Ornament Kit
4″ circle on 18 mesh canvas, using 12 colors

“At the end of the day, we can endure much
more than we think we can.” — Frida Kahlo

Celebrated by feminists for the uncompromising depiction of the
female form and experience; Frida Kahlo is remembered for using her
folk art style to explore questions regarding identity, race, gender and class. 

It Takes A Lot Of Money Needlepoint Kit
8″ x 4″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 4 colors

Sad but true, really — “It takes a lot of money to look this cheap.” — Dolly Parton

Marilyn Monroe Needlepoint Ornament Kit
4″ circle on 18 mesh canvas, using 9 colors

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be
loved for what you are not.” — Marilyn Monroe

Actress, singer, model and feminist icon; Marilyn Monroe is remembered
as an empowering figure who fought against gender equality and oppression.

Michelle Obama Needlepoint Ornament Kit
4″ circle on 18 mesh canvas, using 9 colors

“We learned about dignity and decency – that how hard you work matters
more than how much you make . . . that helping others means more
than just getting ahead yourself.” — Michelle Obama

Attorney, writer, former first lady; Michelle Obama has become
a role model for women, an advocate for healthy families and
is empowering adolescent girls around the world through education.

Well Behaved Women Needlepoint Kit
8″ x 6″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 2 colors

Sad but true, really — “Well behaved women seldom make history.”
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

RGB Equality For All Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5.28″ circle on 18 mesh canvas, using 7 colors

“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead
others to join you.” — Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy will live on as a
strong voice for women’s rights and equality for all.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5.28″ circle on 18 mesh canvas, using 7 colors

“My mother told me to be a lady. And for her that meant,
be your own person, be independent.” — Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy will live on as a strong voice
in favor of gender equality, the rights of workers and the separation of church and state. 

No Patriarchy Needlepoint Kit
8″ x 6″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 8 colors

You don’t need his permission — “f*ck the patriarchy.”

What Would Dolly Do Needlepoint Ornament Kit
4″ circle on 18 mesh canvas, using 8 colors

“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more,
do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.” — Dolly Parton

Singer, songwriter, actress, business woman and philanthropist;
Dolly Parton is a cultural icon with a powerful voice.

Princess Diana Needlepoint Ornament Kit
4″ circle on 18 mesh canvas, using 13 colors

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in knowledge
that one day someone might do the same for you.” — Princess Diana

International icon; Princess Diana’s devotion to charitable causes,
activism and glamour will always be remembered.

We hope you find a little needlepoint inspiration this month
and the other eleven months of the year, celebrating the
many women who have made their mark in the world.

Have a special idea we can design for you? 
Please feel free to contact us at:

Stitch On!

Tell It Like It Is With Our Sassy Pants Needlepoint Collection!

Super saucy, slightly sassy, simply said, or perhaps daintily disturbing . . . tell it like it is and let the needlepoint do the talking. These fun needlepoint canvases from our Sassy Pants Needlepoint Collection, are perfect for stitchers of all skill levels with minimal color changes. Finish with a frame, as a pillow, or a door hanger for the smaller canvases.

My Good Side Needlepoint Kit
12″ x 12″ on 14 mesh canvas

Slightly sassy — “Don’t try to get on my good side, I no longer have one.”

Kiss My Grits Needlepoint Kit
10″ x 8″ on 14 mesh canvas

My mother told me to always speak my mind — “Kiss my grits.”

Accessorizing Abilities Needlepoint Kit
12″ x 12″ on 14 mesh canvas

Totally on target — “The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.”

Please Leave Needlepoint Kit
6″ x 4″ on 18 mesh canvas

Drop a subtle hint — “Please leave by nine.”

Days Like This Needlepoint Kit
10″ x 8″ on 14 mesh canvas

Simply stated — “Mama said there’d be days like this.”

So Sorry Needlepoint Kit
12″ x 12″ on 14 mesh canvas

Daintily disturbing — “I’m sorry I’m not available for that.”

Being A Princess Needlepoint Kit
12″ x 4.57″ on 14 mesh canvas

Sweet and to the point — “It’s not easy being a Princess.”

Listen Carefully Needlepoint Kit
10″ x 8″ on 14 mesh canvas

Strictly speaking — “I never repeat gossip . . . so listen carefully.”

Sit By Me Needlepoint Kit
12″ x 12″ on 14 mesh canvas

You didn’t hear it from me — “If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me.”

Spark Joy Needlepoint Kit
10″ x 8″ on 14 mesh canvas

Marie would approve, say it like it is — “Spark joy (or else).”

Have It All Needlepoint Kit
12″ x 6″ on 14 mesh canvas

Super saucy — “I’ll have what she’s having.”

Just Say It Needlepoint Kit
12″ x 4.57 on 14 mesh canvas

Be blunt, it’s okay — “f*ck this sh!t.”

Yes No Needlepoint Kit
6″ x 9.11″ on 18 mesh canvas

Can’t make up your mind? — “No. Yes! No. Yes! No. Yes!”

Do you have a special message you would like to stitch?
Let us know, we would love to create a custom canvas for you,
contact us at:

Let your needlepoint do the talking!

Egg-cellent Self-Finishing Needlepoint for Spring!

Explore our Chinoiserie Inspired Egg Canvases and an Easy Self-Finishing Technique

This Spring we are loving the combination of the classic Easter egg with blue and white chinoiserie!

We have several options from which to choose.  These needlepoint egg canvases are beautiful by themselves or stitched as a collection.

One of our favorite quick needlepoint self-finishing options is framing.  This is such a simple process.

First we stitch the main portion of our design.  Then we purchased a frame with a pre-cut mat at our local hobby shop. Open the back of the frame and remove the mat.  Place it on top of your stitched ornament upside down so you don’t accidentally put a mark on the front.

Carefully mark all four corners of the inside of the mat board on the canvas. Remove the mat board and now you can see the area you will need to fill with your background stitch.  Select a color and stitch you like and complete your project. We used Nobuko stitch and DMC Perle Cotton 5 in 906 for a grass-like look.

If you did not stitch on stretcher bars you might need to block your canvas to get it straight before framing.  Cut a piece of art board or mat board to fit inside the frame.  If you don’t want to measure you can pop out the glass and trace it.  Trim your completed canvas with an inch border around the stitched area.  Using acid free art tape, affix the canvas to the art board by taping the unstitched border of the canvas to the art board.  Use a little tension to make sure the canvas will lay flat. Reassemble your frame with the mat and now you have a beautiful framed piece of needlepoint art for your home!

Happy Spring and Happy Stitching!

A Sweet New Gingerbread House Needlepoint Kit!

Written by Peggy Bond

I had never baked a Gingerbread House nor did I want to. But then I got inspired by Santa’s New Ride needlepoint car canvas. Why not make a needlepoint Gingerbread House that has a roof that opens for the wrapped candies and treats that can be eaten? NeedlePaint’s designer Krystal Duffy designed the canvas and the house became a reality.

Gingerbread House Dimensional Needlepoint Kit Two
(available with an attached or detached roof)

The house is 8 x 6 ¾  x 9 inches, a scale that matches Santa’s needlepoint car, and I used a variety of stitches for the project. A staggered, elongated, horizontal cashmere stitch for the gingerbread gives the house the appearance of being made of bricks. 

Stitch Detail

Elongated Cashmere Bricks

Mosaic Window Trim

Continental – Gobelin Snow

The snow alternating rows of the continental stitch and straight Gobelin worked over 2 strands. Window frames are the slanted 2 x 2 Gobelin over 2 strands and dots above and the below the windows are the mosaic stitch. he windows are a staggered strait Gobelin over 2 stitched. There are lots of places to try new and different stitches. It was fun! 

As I stitched along, my mind worried away at “how are you going to put this all together”? Sure, it was going to a rectangular house with a roof with overhangs. How was it going to be stabilized since I wasn’t going to stuff it. (Stuffing the Gingerbread House is certainly an option.)

Initially, I cut plastic needlepoint canvas 1/8″ smaller than each side and the roofs, and stitched them to the canvas. The house could stand on its own but it wasn’t going to be rigid enough to be a container. 

Plastic Canvas Backings

While browsing through a crafter’s catalog, I found 8-inch square boxes which could be cutdown to make a 8 x 6 ¾ inch rectangle. This would give the base a solid frame and the sides could be cut down to size and shaped for the roof.  It worked! Below is a mock up of the box frame. The final was glued and the peak supports were cut from acid-free art board.

Mock up of House Frame

The base of the house is lined with a lightweight cotton fabric. Lining is sewn as shown below along only the upper edge of the stitching. The two roof segments are lined with a sturdier white fabric, leaving the top of each segment open to be sewn together later. (I probably could have used a lighter weight fabric but thought that extra weight would make a better hinge for the roof.) Turning the lining was not easy with the canvas backed by the plastic canvas, but the results were better than I had expected. There was one seam to stitch along the side of the base and it could be slipped onto the box frame. Acid-free art board was cut fit inside roofing pieces.

Also, piece of acid-free art board cut to the inside dimensions of the box is covered with the lining material and slid down to hold the lining of the sides in place.

The lined roof is stitched together at its peak with the back sides together, and the outside seam trimmed and covered with a bias strip. Self-adhesive Velcro dots along the sides and a strip at the peak affix one side of the roof and a button-ribbon tab is sewn to the opening-side of the roof.

There are certainly other ways to assemble the house. My granddaughters are all eyeing the Gingerbread House and maybe I will have to make more so please let me know if anyone has assembly suggestions.

We would love to help with all of your needlepoint needs.
Please contact us with any questions that you may have at:

  Stitch a little something sweet for the holidays!

Endangered and Threatened Species Needlepoint Ornament Collection

Written and designed by Gwynn Goodner

Our Threatened and Endangered Species Needlepoint Ornament Collection highlights some of the rarest and most beautiful creatures on the planet. This offering features animals that are on the brink of extinction, with a goal of raising awareness and funds toward their preservation and conservation. Every purchase of a needlepoint ornament canvas from this collection will have a portion of the proceeds donated to wildlife foundations to ensure that these amazing animals are here for future generations. 

Amur Leopard Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5″ x 5″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 12 colors

The Amur Leopard is one of the most critically endangered species on the planet, with as few as 110 individuals alive in the wild. Native to Southeastern Russia and Northern China, this beautiful big cat has been driven to near extinction by fires lit to clear its forest habitat for agriculture and grazing. It can be distinguished from other leopard species by its thick, luxuriant coat, useful in its chilly habitat.

Whooping Crane Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5″ x 5″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 10 colors

Whooping Cranes are North America’s tallest bird and were driven to near extinction by 1941 when the population was reduced to a mere 23 specimens. This magnificent species, noted for its red crest and black wing tips has had a slow rebound to 800 birds with the careful breeding and conservation programs. Migration routes range from Mexico and southern Florida to Canada.

Siberian Tiger Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5″ x 5″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 16 colors

The Siberian Tiger, unlike its tropical cousins, is at home in the deep snows of far Eastern Russia and Northern China. This apex predator requires a large territory to survive in the wild. Development and governments turning a blind eye to illegal deforestation and poaching, have led to a small population of roughly about 520 survivors.

Atlantic Ridley Sea Turtle Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5″ x 5″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 14 colors

Although many sea turtles are threatened or endangered, few are as rare as the Atlantic Ridley Sea Turtle (also known as the Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle). The precise number of individuals left in the wild is unknown, but this small sea turtle has been listed as critically endangered since 1970. Most of these aquatic reptiles are found in the Gulf of Mexico where there is a single beach that acts as the nursery for nearly the entire species.

Gray Wolf Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5″ x 5″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 12 colors

Though not as critically at risk as it once was, the Gray Wolf remains a threatened species and is protected in most of its widespread range throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The Gray Wolf lives in close social groups where they are at an advantage in hunting large prey in packs. Wolf populations have been on a significant rise in recent decades and now are part of a healthy ecosystem in many countries.

Giant Panda Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5″ x 5″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 11 colors

The cuddly, lovable Giant Panda has become the flagship species for animal conservation and a symbol for ecology worldwide. Native to only a few mountain ranges in China, the Giant Panda has had a successful recovery from the brink of extinction. Careful breeding programs and strict protection of habitat have allowed wild populations to grow to an estimated 3,000 individuals.

Orca Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5″ x 5″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 15 colors

The Orca is not a whale, rather the largest of oceanic dolphin species. Its distinctive black and white markings and remarkable intelligence has made it one of the world’s most recognizable marine mammals. In spite of its worldwide distribution, pollution, overfishing and prey depletion have led to its threatened status in North America. Orcas are never threats to humans in the wild and they live in the most stable social groups of any animal alive.

Polar Bear Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5″ x 5″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 15 colors

The Polar Bear is the land largest carnivore on the planet, with large males often exceeding 1,500 pounds. Though this native was once common to the entire Arctic Circle, their population has been greatly reduced in the last few decades by global warming. Polar Bears are born on land, but spend most of their lives on sea ice where they hunt. Melting sea ice has caused many bears to die of starvation and future warming may reduce the wild population further in coming decades. 

Hawaiian Monk Seal Needlepoint Ornament Kit
5″ x 5″ on 18 mesh canvas, using 9 colors

The Hawaiian Monk Seal is a critically endangered species with populations dwindling to about 1100 animals. Intense hunting in the 19th century lead to its initial decline, with island development and accidental capture in fishing nets further reducing the number. Fortunately Hawaiian state law has favored the animals, and beaches are cleared if this shy seal visits to sunbathe or nurse pups. 

These hand stitched ornaments will be treasured by your family for years to come. We offer an ornament finishing service for your completed canvases, and would love to help with any questions that you may have at:

Stitch your favorite design or the entire collection!

New Chinoiserie Easter Egg Needlepoint Kits!

With a unique fusion of Eastern Asian artistic traditions and Western design; Chinoiserie brings a timeless style and sense of luxury to any home’s interior. Stitch one or stitch them all, NeedlePaint’s new Chinoiserie Easter Egg Needlepoint Kits will add a classic touch to your Easter holiday’s decorative style!

Happiness Chinoiserie Needlepoint Ornament Kit

The Chinese character for “double happiness” is a symbol that bestows the
blessing of good luck, love and success

Floral Chinoiserie Needlepoint Ornament Kit

Stylized floral and bird motifs capture the enduring beauty of nature; and represent
feminine beauty, integrity, long life and fidelity. 

Ginger Jar Chinoiserie Needlepoint Ornament Kit

Primarily functional as a storage vessel for spices in ancient China; the utilitarian ginger jar became
a dazzling decorative object with rich colors and vibrant patterns. 

Mosaic Chinoiserie Needlepoint Ornament Kit

Creative and adaptive to changing situations, the mosaic pattern is a spiritual symbol
of life, signifying the various patterns in which we live.

Pagoda Chinoiserie Needlepoint Ornament Kit 

As an integral part of Asian architecture, the pagoda is a symbol used for protection;
helps enhance one’s fortune and bestows the blessing of good luck. 

These canvases are designed on 18 mesh canvas, with the option to include DMC embroidery floss. When you have finished stitching your canvases, ask us about our ornament finishing services. 

Feel free to contact us with any questions,
or if our designers can create a special holiday decoration for you,
let us know, at:

This Easter holiday elevate your decorations to a new sophisticated style!

NeedlePaint’s New Christmas Stocking Cuffs!

Written by: Peggy Bond

Running late to get a Christmas stocking needlepointed? NeedlePaint suggests a Winter Wonderland Stocking Cuff. Needlepointing the cuff will take less than half the time of a full stocking. The bear and moose are perfect for my nephews who live in Maine,
and the chickadee will be prefect for Amos’ little sister who will be born in October.
It shouldn’t be difficult to get it finished in time for Christmas. 

Burly Black Bear Stocking Cuff Needlepoint Canvas

Woodland Moose Stocking Cuff Needlepoint Canvas

Joyful Chickadee Stocking Cuff Needlepoint Canvas

The bear and moose are finished and awaiting their big day. For texture and variety,
I used several different stitches on the large animals, sky, and snowy ground. 

The sky of the bear cuff is done with the vertical brick stitch done over 2 mesh.

The snowy ground is finished with the horizontal double brick stitch also done over 2 mesh.

For the bear, I wanted some color variation and texture.
His back is done using alternating continental with black and dark brown thread
while his under body and legs are all black and stitched with the continental. 

Alternating Continental Stitch

It’s winter and there must be snow falling sometimes, so the moose got the falling snow which was
created by using 3 strands of sky blue and 3 strands of light blue in the vertical brick stitch.
This created a random design that gives the sense of falling snow. 

The double twill stitch for the snow gives perception to the canvas,
accenting the varying size of the trees.

Diagonal chop sticks stitch: Mr. Moose took some searching for me to find the right stitch – one that I had never seen or used before. I found it in Susan Sturgeon Roberts’s book Needlepoint Dictionary of Stitches. It is called diagonal chop sticks. It is done in two shades of brown. 

I will post a the completed chickadee when I know the name of my niece.

We would love to help you with all of your needlepoint holiday decorations.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have at:

Happy Stitching!

New 3-Dimensional Needlepoint Kits!

Written by Peggy Bond

Santa Claus is Coming To Town And He Has New Wheels!
Santa’s reindeer refused to work in the summer heat, so Santa Claus had to find new wheels. NeedlePaint came to his rescue with their newly designed 3-D needlepoint station wagon, stitched on 18 mesh canvas with DMC thread. After Santa is done using it for warm weather transport, it will make an unforgettable stocking stuffer toy or Christmas mantle decoration.

Stitched car canvas: 
The main body of the car and window were stitched with only four strands of the DMC thread, so that it will be less bulky to sew together. Santa, his dog, and the remainder of the car were stitched with all six strands of the DMC thread which makes them stand out from the background. The brick stitch is used for the wood panel on the car, and the double brick stitch is used for the light blue underbody of the car.

Finishing the car was a bit more challenging than finishing a brick door stop, because there was not a solid frame and the car has curves. I trimmed the canvas closer to the stitching, leaving at least a ¾ inch of blank canvas. Folding the stitched portion of the canvas with right sides together to join the hood and trunk to the sides, is a delicate operation requiring that the curves are the same for each side. It took me a couple of tries to get that right. The stitching was done with thread of the same color as the sections being joined. For example, the front window was joined with dark grey, the hood and side with blue, and the underbody with light blue. There were a lot of tiny stitches and knots!

Sew car inside-out:
To prepare the car form before stuffing, I pressed the seams open and tacked down the corners as shown.

Addition of Pellon stiffeners:
I inserted 3 pieces of heavyweight Pellon interfacing to give the car some rigidity. It is not necessary, but I found this gives the car sharper edges. More rigid inserts would give even sharper edges. It is a matter of taste!

Stuffing in progress:
I used heavy felt for the bottom of the car, similar to the finishing technique I used for the needlepoint brick covers. I stitch most of the bottom in place, leaving a four inch opening on one side before stuffing the car.

Stuffed and sewn up!
I gave Santa and the car another steaming to crispen up the edges of the roof and seams. He says that his new wheels and helpful dog will guarantee a Merry Christmas to All!

Santa’s New Ride Three Dimensional Needlepoint Kit

Red Truck Three Dimensional Needlepoint Kit

We would love to help you with all of your holiday decorations!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have at:

Stitch up some magic this holiday season!

Welcome to the NeedlePaint Family!

NeedlePaint would like to introduce, an experienced and knowledgable stitcher who joined our family last summer! She helps us out in so many ways: coordinating new projects, patiently answering all of your questions, and still has time in her day to stitch and create some amazing needlepoint projects.

W e l c o m e   C a r o l i n e !

By Caroline Dicken

My mom taught me to needlepoint when I was about 8 years old. She has been stitching since she was a young adult. My paternal grandfather also learned to needlepoint so he had something to do while his wife, my grandmother, was convalescing during her chronic terminal illness in the 1950s. Needless to say, there was a lot of needlepoint in our house growing up! I didn’t really appreciate it until my grandfather passed away—now we have all these handmade pieces to remember him by.

My first canvas was a butterfly… and then I am pretty sure I didn’t stitch again until high school! I was an art major in undergrad but as an adult who is not a professional artist, I have found that needlepoint is just the creative outlet I need to scratch that artistic itch.

Santa's X Mask Needlepoint Ornament Canvas

Santa’s X Mask Needlepoint Ornament Canvas

I love making ornaments to commemorate major life events, and what was more major than the crazy year we just had? I love the idea of the masked Santa as a nod to the weirdness that was 2020.

NeedlePaint Santa's X Mask Ornament.1

Ornaments are the perfect projects to play with stitches and fibers. Since they are not really touched and used like a pillow or a belt, the stitches can be longer and don’t need to be quite as durable. Plus, if you end up trying a stitch that you don’t love, it is not a huge area to stitch (or rip out)!

NeedlePaint Santa's X Mask Ornament.2

One of my favorite parts of this design was the shading that our designer Gwynn, included on Santa’s bag, as well as the numerous opportunities to incorporate fun fibers and stitches. On an area with great shading in the printed canvas, I love using an open stitch that allows that to show through. Alternating skip tent is one of my favorite open stitches that also gives a section of canvas texture.

NeedlePaint Santa's X Mask Ornament.3

For Santa’s beard, I wanted to give the field dimension but in a more controlled stitch than the turkey work on the hat’s pompom. By alternating every row with a stitch over a small bamboo skewer, I was able to achieve a fluffy beard worthy of the big guy.

NeedlePaint Santa's X Mask Ornament 4 copy

When doing decorative stitches (especially anything involving French knots), I always stitch on a frame. I have tried several different kinds, but my favorites are the mini stretcher bars (see first photo) from FA Edmunds

NeedlePaint Santa's X Mask ornament.5

All finished stitching!

Stitches and fibers I used on this ornament canvas:

Background: Diagonal mosaic stitch in DMC Perle Cotton #5

Santa’s Bag: Alternating skip tent stitch in DMC Perle Cotton #5

Santa’s Glove, Face and Mask: Basketweave in DMC Perle Cotton #5

Presents: Basketweave in DMC Perle Cotton #5 and RG Petite Very Velvet

Bow on Present: Long stitch in Kreinik Gold Braid

Santa’s Suit: Basketweave in Petite Very Velvet

Santa’s Beard: Basketweave alternating stick in Planet Earth Wool

Santa’s Fur Trim: Alternating French knots and basketweave in Vineyard Merino Wool

Pompom: Turkey work (unclipped) in Planet Earth Wool

St. Nick's Delivery Needlepoint Ornament Canvas

Fingers crossed, Santa won’t need a mask next Christmas!
St. Nick’s Delivery Needlepoint Ornament Canvas

We’ll be checking in occasionally with Caroline to see what she’s been working on. If you have any questions: on this canvas, about our ornament finishing service, or any project that you may be working on, don’t hesitate to send her an email:

H a p p y  S t i t c h i n g !