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where you can design your own Needlepoint!

NeedlePoint Kits and Canvas Designs | Design your own Needlepoint Kit!

We’ve added more hand painted needlepoint designs to the website!

The Custom Name Creations are each as individual as the person they are designed for. Choose from a wide variety of designs for kids, and customize with favorite animals, objects and colors.  Customer input is welcome for color preferences or content.

Each personalized needlepoint canvas can be purchased alone or with floss as a needlepoint kit.

Right now, we are featuring kids needlepoint designs, but in the future we will be adding more types hand painted needlepoint designs.  If you have any requests, please let us know!

You can view all of our personalized needlepoint designs here.

Girlie Things Hand Painted Needlepoint Canvas

Cartoon Cars Hand Painted Needlepoint Canvas

Comments on: "Personalized Hand Painted Kids Needlepoint Canvases" (14)

  1. Joyce Baker said:

    I love the needle point name with cars around it! How much is it with the thread/yarn included? I am expecting my first grandson. His name is going to be RJ. Please let me know. Also, what size would it be?
    Thanks you!

    • Great! Yes, we can ship it with yarn and I have send you an email with the cost details.

      The design size is 12″ high, and the width depends on the name. There is an additional 2 inches of margin beyond the design.

  2. Joanna Lucas said:

    Yes I want to know a price and how can I order -name with cars

    • Hi Joanna,

      I replied to your email offline, but please let me know if you did not recieve my reply yet with the pricing and timing information.

      Best, Seth

  3. I’d be interested in doing a project with my kids. Can you do the animal design with their names? Is it possible to simplify the animals so a 6 year old could participate? Thanks!

    • No problem, most of the animals are pretty simple? I think the parrot could be adjusted and the bear could be simplified, but are there other thing’s too?

      Also, if we make it on 14 mesh, that will help, and will be easier.

      As per a six year old, yes, it is possible they can help, but it really depends on how much patience they have 🙂

  4. Maureen Filak said:

    Interested in the cartoon cars. How much would it be with the name Jack. Also, what is the size of the canvas and size is the mesh.

  5. Lilyan Tomol said:

    I would like to purchase the needlpoint canvas with the name and animals around it. The name i want on the canvas is AYLA. How much would it cost including the yarn.

  6. I will email you the pricing and size information. Thanks! Seth

  7. Phyllis Ackerman said:

    Price and design for a baby girl
    Name Rose with wools please

    Thank you

  8. Vicki Lataillade said:

    I am very interested in your Safari theme and the Baby’s name is Yakob. How quickly could you get this needlepoint canvas to me. I want to make a pillow. We have been waiting a year for the baby to get to his new parents and I’d like to get this done as soon as possible if I can afford it!

  9. Karen Mason said:

    I will reply to your email directly. Thank you for your patience. Karen

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